Harry Potter fever!
The seventh and final Harry Potter book will be released in 24 days, according to the countdown calendar on my desk. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" comes out at midnight on Saturday, July 21.

The library will be holding an extravagant release party the night it comes out - Friday, July 20, beginning at 8pm with a pre-show concert on the plaza (featuring the Ballroom Roustabouts) and Diagon Alley will open at 9pm (18 different shops and shows to visit!). This event is free and open to the public.
And did you hear a hacker got into one of the publisher's computers and released a spoiler? Geez! If you can avoid the spoiler news, come out the library the night of July 20 and win a chance to check out the book that night! (The Bookmark will also be here selling copies of the book after midnight.) Library patrons can start placing holds on the book Saturday, July 21.
And don't forget to check out the YouTube info here
hello there im tiffany i like all of the harry potter books so does my brothers and sisters they read them alot. i like ron weasley brittany likes harry potter [daniel hadcliff] my bro likes jenny well so long i have to go see you all later
hi this is kayla im like in love with ron weasley tiffany can back off of him bcauise his myne
no kayla u can back off because i live by holly wood and i get to see him u dont so go suck on that
i dont live near holly wood so i guess i camn have john trovilta
if that makes u happier i beat u havent seen william turner have u
i have seen orlando bloom i got his autograph just 3days ago u can stop trying to steal every actor i have seen them all and if u crush on any of those actors i will tell them u like them and they dont like it when kids crush on them
oh really because i like orlando bloom and there is nothing u can do about it .
i know and i will not keep u from crushing on any of the actors but i will still tell them u like them and there is nothing u can do about it
i know and i will not keep u from crushing on any of the actors but i will still tell them u like them and there is nothing u can do about it
hey kayla wat ever you name is can u leave me alone now sense we
well if i get orlando bloom and ron weasley and johnny depp u can get there signiture from me in 4days or less ok
ok u promise tiffany
i promise ok now can u leave me alone i will get the signitures to u at lest my tommorrow of course probably the day after that
bye tiffany
bye kayla c u latas
hey kala or kayla hows it gong im
ok just finre
hi tif
hows it going im ok to well nice to dsee i will gte trh signitures today h wowo
Did you know that you can pick up your VERY OWN MARAUDER'S MAP at any ACPL location? It's got all the latest info about Fort Wayne's biggest Harry Potter Party ever!
hi acpl and kids
these books about harry potter are great u should read them more often
they are awsome u can find out what happens to dumbldore in the half blood prince and if u read all of them u will learn more about harry potter ,ron weasley ,and hermonie ranger . and lord voldermorts fight up against harry potter.u have got to see who wins. sincerely tiffany
According to my calendar, 7/21/07 started at 12:00am. I am still not able to put a hold on the book. What gives??
Sorry for the misunderstanding, SR. There was a small problem that kept the new Harry Potter from displaying in the catalog until later Saturday morning, but it should be up now.
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