The Allen County Public Library, Lutheran Hospital and the American Heart Association are teaming up to offer a Valentine’s week healthy heart community seminar. The event will be held on Thursday, February 16, at 6 p.m. in the Georgetown Branch Library, 6600 E. State Blvd.
Steven Orlow, MD, a cardiologist with the Heart Center Medical Group and medical director of cardiac catheterization at Lutheran Hospital, will present "The Future of Coronary Artery Angiography Is Here." “We have been waiting for a noninvasive way of imaging the coronary arteries my entire career,” said Dr. Orlow. “Previous methods detected coronary obstruction by heart wall motion or perfusion of the heart muscle. With this new noninvasive, innovative technique, we can now we can see inside the arteries themselves.”
Information about the early warning signs of heart disease and about heart disease prevention will be presented by Mary Pat Leonard, Heart & Stroke Initiatives Director of the American Heart Association. Librarians from the Business and Technology Department will have information on materials available at the library and on the Internet.