Robert Jordan, 1948-2007
Robert Jordan, author of the bestselling Wheel of Time fantasy series, died Sunday, September 16. The twelfth and final book in the Wheel of Time series (working title A Memory of Light), was unfinished at the time of his death. It seems probable that it will be finished and published eventually, but until then, if you need to start another giant fantasy series to tide yourself over, try one of these:
Steven Erikson's series The Malazan Book of the Fallen is five books along, out of a projected ten. Even the scale of the first book, Gardens of the Moon, is huge, detailing the mortal and divine forces arrayed against each other in the last Free City to stand against the Malazan Empire's Genabackis Campaign.
A Song of Ice and Fire is George R. R. Martin's series recasting the Wars of the Roses in a fantasy setting. It's full of terrible, horrible, awful people and worse events ... just the kind of thing I like to read! It's not for the faint of heart. He's working on the fifth book of the series.